Perfectly Lonely

Cause I don't belong to anyone, nobody belongs to me. A simple kind of free

Unsent Hate Letters to People You Love but Shouldn’t April 16, 2010

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Have you ever heard of the form of therapy where you unleash all your anger and frustration through emails or letters to someone who has hurt you? You write all your feelings out, you really just let them pour out, and then you delete it. And just like that you feel, or at least should, a thousand times better. Well I’m gonna give it a go. My letters will be to three people. Three people who I love/had loved, and really shouldn’t have. Do you guys ever have those people in your lives? People where you just sit back and wonder why the hell do I feel anything for you? You piss me off so much. You cause me nothing but pain. Well to you all, here is your much-needed fuck off letter. Enjoy, although I know, you will never ever get the pleasure of reading it, you should know I reallllllly enjoyed writing them.

Dear Sorry Excuse of a Man,

I just want to let you know that we turned out just fine, and none of it can be accredited back to you. So don’t even think for a second that you mattered at all. We learned to cut you out quickly. As soon as we were able to comprehend what truly mattered to you, which was not us, you were pretty much erased. My memories of you consist of dodging your phone calls, and dreaded forced visits where we sat around and watched as time passed. I have hated you for as long as I can remember, and do you even realize it? I hate that because you were not there, I don’t know who will walk me down the aisle when I get married, I hate that I’m messed up when it comes to men, and I blame that on you. It’s hard for me to trust them, to not consistently wonder when they will leave, or find something better they would like to piece in their life instead of me. I hope you have found happiness in your life, and I hope that you know that we have too, and that’s because you are not in it.

Dear Don Juan,

I know you lied. You feed me false promises and hopes. When you saw me coming towards the edge, almost at the point of abstaining from you, you find ways to draw me back in. I’m sick of hurting. Sick of thinking today will be the day you realize you need me. Sick of being second. I’m off. I have vast possibilities for my future, my potential is immense and it’s going to take me places, and yes I am aware of it. I would have stayed here forever with you, traded my dreams for a life of mediocrity filled with zealous love, but instead you carelessly passed. And really I feel bad for you. You’re missing out. You will never find anyone who will ever love you the way I did.  And although I have put it off, hoping you’d straighten up, I can easily find someone to replace you. I won’t let you waste my time anymore. I don’t hate you; I’m just working at feeling nothing for you. If you don’t like it man up, or leave me alone.

Dear Disingenuous Ass,

I hope one day when you have a daughter she never has a man treat her the way you did me.  No matter what, you should have known better. Blame it on whatever you want, but when it comes down to it—you’re scum. You give men everywhere a bad name.

Comment below with your hate letters you’d never send, or tell me what you guys think about this type of therapy or form of releasing built up feelings. Do you think it’s effective? In what ways can this be problematic, is this the coward’s way out? Let me know what you guys think…puh-puh-leease.