Perfectly Lonely

Cause I don't belong to anyone, nobody belongs to me. A simple kind of free

Top five reason why its great to be single May 5, 2010

The joys of being single

I was talking to some friends the other night, and one of my girlfriends said she had finally realized the joys of being single, in which I replied this is what I’ve been trying to tell you guys all along. This is when another friend piped up with “yeah right all you do is blog about how much you wish you weren’t single.” Yikes. I didn’t mean that message to come across at all, on the contrary I am SO HAPPY to be single and here is why:

  • I get to decide my life. If I want to go to a party on Friday, I go. If I want to move to New York in a year, I go. If I want to take a day where I sit around in my underwear and cut off all social ties, I do. And I don’t have to worry about anyone holding me down or pressuring me to do otherwise. I call the shots. (And I love that.)
  • I can talk to who ever I want, whenever I want. I can accept free drinks. Dance with whomever. No jealous games. Never worrying of how it may look. I’m free.
  • I don’t have to get up every morning and dress for anyone but myself. If I feel like being scurvy that day, then I am. I feel like sexin’ it up, then I do. Whatever the mood strikes I can take advantage of it and all I have to do is worry about how I think I look that day.
  • I don’t have to stress out about a partner. Is he being faithful to me when I’m not around? Do I love him more then he loves me? Will he dump me if I have an off day? Blah blah blah.
  • I’m not settling. I have not met my Mr. Right yet. So why would I waste my time with Mr. Wrong. I know what I want. Ok so I haven’t found him yet, I’m not going to boo-who about it just yet, and instead I’m going to live it up.

All the single ladies…you shoulda put a ring on itPut your hands up.

Why do you like being single?