Perfectly Lonely

Cause I don't belong to anyone, nobody belongs to me. A simple kind of free

Love is… March 2, 2010

John Lennon – Love Is Real

As I was spending useless time surfing the web, I came across something that had me engaged for hours.  I found this lovely lady’s blog called Ophelias Webb. Within her blog she made a series, All you need, where for every day in February she asked one of her blogger friends to blog about love, to commemorate the month of February which is apparently the month of love-who knew? Genius idea though. While I was a day late and missed the month and the series, I sat and read through them, enticed. Most of them explained things I wanted to talk about, but did so in a way I couldn’t. It was good to hear from guys, married couples, but mostly to know that there are so many others out there feeling exactly the way I do about the mysteries of this thing called love. I enjoyed all the entries, but there was one that especially stuck with me.

It was the Love is all….. blog by a girl name Susan. She is a beautiful writer, and through her words I feel as if she is talking about my own personal struggles and heartaches. Hardships we all go through in the strenuous game of love. Her entry brought me to tears. It has been awhile since text had made me break down, especially apart from a Nicholas Sparks novel. But I found myself sitting there in my lounge, computer in lap, softly crying as I read through her words. She is so right, love it everywhere. Like her I thought that there was love for family and friends, and then there was the “real” love that you felt when you found the one.  Stupid. Love is love- it is everywhere and in everything. In the blog Susan goes into a little of how she came to realize the different forms of love. She helped me realize these forms in my life.

I now know love is…

Love is when I was eight years old, and broke my new Nsync necklace in the car minutes after we bought it. Silently crying not wanting my mom to see I just broke it. Afraid she’d be mad, or disappointed. Instead she demanded we go back to Claire’s and request an exchange. And the whole car way back to the mall telling myself to always remember this moment, of how great of a Mom you have. She not only got me a new necklace, she has has always made sure to give me so much.

Love is my best friend, when I just couldn’t seem to muster up the strength to make it through the day, followed me into the bathroom as I ran away bawling. While everyone else in the room stood and watched thinking “that girl is crazy” or “ I just don’t know what to do” she instead followed me. Found me in that bathroom stall and let me cry and cry as my tears stained right through her shirt. She didn’t care. Instead she grabbed my hand and gave me the courage to face everyone.

Love is my little sister taking care of me. For finding me on my bedroom floor paralyzed in emotional pain. For making me that sandwich and putting me in bed, and promising not to tell anyone, and pretending not to notice as I violently threw up all throughout the night.

Love is so much more than holding hands, and finding someone to say “I do”.  To quote Susan “Love is the people we meet who change our lives for the better, for a moment or for a lifetime. Love is the little moments that are never forgotten, kept close and stored in the secret spaces of our hearts.”

Love is everything, Love is everywhere.

So although I am uncertain that I’ll ever find a man to spend the rest of my life with, I do however know what love is. I know how to love, and I know that I am loved. And for me that is enough.

I know this blog was long, and I am sorry. Thanks for sticking it out- but lastly I would just like to ask you what love is for you? Comment below please. And…

I urge you guys to read Susan’s blog, and everyone else’s in the All you need series for a matter of fact.