Perfectly Lonely

Cause I don't belong to anyone, nobody belongs to me. A simple kind of free

Women vs. Men: after the first date April 20, 2010

Men come from Mars, and Women from Venus. Homogametic vs. heterogametic, the two sexes are structured differently, and therefore they both think differently. Case in point: dating. Tom and Sally go on a date. They eat pizza, get ice cream cones and walk around the lake talking, Tom drops Sally off with a kiss at the door. Tom goes home and goes to bed. Sally on the other hand stays up all night giddy with excitement. First she replays the date over and over again in her head. This time in her illustrated memories she makes Tom a little more fit, his jokes a little more funny, and the awkward silences not so drug out. She sighs and then gets carried away planning out her future with Tom. It starts out thinking about their next date, a movie maybe or out to dinner perhaps, and then turns into how long they’ll date before getting married, what he’d look like in a tux, how many kids should they have, and how they’d decorate their Victorian home in the suburbs. Miles away Tom is carelessly snoring throughout the night.

Girls you know you can’t deny that you have pulled a Sally before; and that’s the thing, we all have. But why do we do it? We are so desperate to find the one to spend the rest of our lives with, that even on first meetings and early dates we jump to possible conclusions of how this guy could be the possible love of our life. And then it turns out he isn’t, and we are heartbroken. Would the realization of false happily ever after sting a little less if instead of polluting our minds with thoughts of how this dbag I went on two dates with, is going to be the father of my future children, we learned to breathe. Learned to take a man’s approach to dating. Cuz ladies I can grantee you that no Tom is tossing and turning in the middle of the night thinking of their future, not after the first date. Let’s not get too invested so soon. How about we take things slow. Control our Sally urges so that we aren’t disappointed, and maybe even not waste as much time on Mr.Wrong.

Ladies do you find yourselves being a Sally? Men does it drive you crazy when you learn that the girl you are dating is pulling a Sally? Comment below please.