Perfectly Lonely

Cause I don't belong to anyone, nobody belongs to me. A simple kind of free

Peter Pan March 5, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamitoocooltoendine @ 2:45 am
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The man of my dreams.

We all have our favorite romance movies. Those movies we watch when we want to escape and try and picture ourselves in the meant-to-be-heart-wrenching- relationship the two main characters form throughout the movie. The ones that tell us although love is hard, the passionate rollercoaster will always eventually end at happily ever after.  You know what I’m talking about. Movies like “The Notebook”, “P.S. I love you”, and “Pride and Prejudice”. Us girls watch these movies because we want to be Allie and have that ageless love affair. Even if its only for a couple of hours, we want to put ourselves in Holly’s shoes and fall for, not one but two, Irish men. We have hopes that maybe possibly some day like Elizabeth we will find our own Mr. Dracy.  Although a part of me hates that movies have these inbedded messages of love in them, another part loves the outlet it gives me when feeling uneasy about this damn thing called love.

My romantic movie of choice however is probably one you’d never think of. You ready for it? My all time favorite romance story is…..pause for dramatic pause…Peter Pan.

I know what you are thinking, Peter Pan is not a love story!?! But really let me tell you, it SO is. At least the latest version anyways. Typical romantic plot. Girl is looking for adventure, meets boy that promises to give her just that, she runs off with him to live out his promises. They encounter some problems; get into a little tiff because boy refuses to grow up (much like every boy out there, right ladies?) she threatens to leave, something happens where they realize how much they love another but because of circumstances they can never be together, but their love for one another will always live on. How can that not be described as a romance movie? One of my favorite parts about this movie is the notion of the hidden kiss. Apparently a hidden kiss is something that is hidden in the corner of every woman’s mouth saved for the man she is to spend the rest of her life with. Cute as hell right?! Also I love the play on a thimble/ kiss. And anyone who has ever seen a Peter Pan movie or play knows what I am talking about.

Here is one of my favorite scenes in the movie, where Wendy gives Peter a “thimble”

Okay so maybe I am childish, but this will always remain one of my favorite love movie. If you guys have not seen it, I really think you should. So adorable. So I have shared my tad-bit embarrassing romance outlet, its only fair to tell me yours! Also if you want it would be really cool if you shared some of your favorite scenes from your favorite love story, leave them in your comments, and tell me why it’s your favorite. And boys I know I sort of left you out, but share yours too, but please no porn.


Love Vs Lust at first sight February 24, 2010

Filed under: love at first sight — jamitoocooltoendine @ 4:34 am
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So I decided to try something new. I decided to do a vlog instead of a written blog today. It’s over this article on Love vs Lust at first sight, so watch my video and read this  article: Learn to Love and leave me so comments please.

Yes I am aware i am looking a mess.


Together alone on Vday February 12, 2010

Filed under: single,Uncategorized — jamitoocooltoendine @ 7:54 pm
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So this weekend is Valentines Day, and I will be alone. Always alone on this day. Sounds depressing, but really I’m okay with it. And I think that is because I am surrounded by so many that I love, and who love me back, that affections from a lover just aren’t needed. Heck yes, it would be nice. But being single, and being surrounded by my beautiful caring single girlfriends, I still am overcame with the sense of love. Although we are all alone, we are all alone together. And isn’t that what this day is about, celebrating love with those around you? So for now that is good enough for me.

But ladies (and you too gentlemen if you’re reading) I want to share this love story with you.

It’s a Tom’s shoes love story. If you don’t know about Toms shoes, and you should, check out their site here ( This love story is about a couple that met because she noticed his shoes, complimented them, and BOOM they are getting married now. They are just so cute. Stories like this give me hope. This is real life, and love does just sneak up on you. It’s not like in the movies where unrealistic things happen that tie two characters together and we see where it is going from the start. No, sometimes all it takes is some shoes.

Sara and Jordan<3

READ the whole story here:

So message to everyone (myself included). Stop looking for it! Love will find it’s way to all of us. I know days such as Vday makes you want it more then ever, but know cupid will get you. Take Sara and Jordan unplanned love story for example. That could be you, that could be me! So appreciate the love ones in your life at this moment, and take pleasure knowing your happily-ever after could come any day, maybe even tomorrow.

Someday You Will Be Loved- Death Cab for Cutie