Perfectly Lonely

Cause I don't belong to anyone, nobody belongs to me. A simple kind of free

My Soul Mate April 14, 2010

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamitoocooltoendine @ 5:52 am
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We all have to lose the ones we love sometimes. Whether it’s through a break up or if the state is more permanent: death. I’m not sure how much I buy into soul mates, but I guess it’s a proven fact that people who share the same birthday as you are suppose to share similarities, they get along together especially well, some would even say they are soul mates. Well I suppose if that is true I’m lucky. I have the best soul mate I could ask for. I have the best guy I have yet to meet as mine. My grandpa. When I was little my grandpa scared the crap out of me. He had the tendency to lose his temper at times, and when he raised his voice my blood would drain right out of. I’d freeze up and stare up at him mortified. Now that I look back I wonder how I could have ever feared such a man. He is the gentlest, most loving man I will probably ever be lucky enough to have. That’s why I’m not ready to lose him. I’ve never lost anyone close to me, and think it would be extremely unfair to have the first person I lose in my life be my soul mate. I can’t imagine becoming who I am now without him, and I can’t imagine living on without him. He, along with my grandma, has not only helped me out financially throughout my life, but they always, always believed in me. Believed in my talents, and my goals. Anything I wanted to do, they would have my back- and be there right beside me helping my dreams become a reality. He starts radiation in a few weeks. Every day for 40 days he will have to go in for treatment. They better get it, that’s all I have to say. I want him to stay, I need him to stay. I want my children to know a man that fun, loving, and smart. I want to share him, and at the same time I want him all to myself. I hate cancer. Do not take him from me. The only man I will ever love as much as this.