Perfectly Lonely

Cause I don't belong to anyone, nobody belongs to me. A simple kind of free

Top ten mistakes girlfriends make May 13, 2010

Always being the single girl amongst my friends, I’ve seen a lot of mistakes my girlfriends partake in. Actions that make me stop and think, “Damn I’d be the best girlfriend ever.” Here are the top ten mistakes I see girls make, and would never do.

1. Demand all your time:

You want to hang out with your friends, great I want to hang with mine too. No need to update or explain to me. I realize we don’t have to be together 24/7. Enjoy your free time and I will too.

2. Want too much, too soon:

It’s early in the relationship, we’ve decided we like each other, awesome. I don’t expect us to jump to relationship status on Facebook, I’m not going to show you off to my new friends, or start planning our wedding…not just yet.  Get to know you I will, make you commit I won’t.

3. Be chatting when the moments not right:

When you’re tired, I’ll let you sleep. I don’t need to know right at that moment where we stand, snooze a little. We can discuss it over breakfast. I’m a hell of a cook.

4. Tap you for information:

Your past is your past. I’m not going to drill you about past relationships, and need the details about your past girlfriends. If important it’ll come out in time, otherwise let’s just focus on the future.

5. Play mind games:

I’m not going to trick you.

6. Enforce my likes on you:

I love glee, John Mayer, and doing arts and crafts-but I also realize that you may not. Just because these are things that I love doesn’t mean that I am going to try or make you enjoy it too. There are things I can appreciate on my own.

7. Realize there’s more then me,me,me.

I realize you have feelings too. When you are trying to explain yours, I will not take that as an invitation to turn the conversation around on how that makes me feel.

8. Be jealous:

If we are talking or in a committed relationship, no need to worry about me. You are the only one I’m dating or talking too. You trust me, and I’ll trust you. I understand just as well as you that you are allowed to have friends of the opposite sex.

9. Instruct you about your life:

I’m not your mom. I know that you are capable of dressing yourself, cleaning your place, and spending your money appropriately. Ok, so maybe I’d have some advice to how you could all of these better, but I will not nag you about it. If you want my tips I know you’ll ask, in which I would be happy to help you out.

10.  Be that part of myself at the wrong times:

I’m capable and willing to be that certain girl in front of your friends, your parents, in public, and when we are alone.  I know it’s not pretending there are just certain sides of myself you want to see at particular times. It’s cool.

And wow, if guys could even realize their need to follow this list as well, relationships would be so much easier.