Perfectly Lonely

Cause I don't belong to anyone, nobody belongs to me. A simple kind of free

Top five reason why its great to be single May 5, 2010

The joys of being single

I was talking to some friends the other night, and one of my girlfriends said she had finally realized the joys of being single, in which I replied this is what I’ve been trying to tell you guys all along. This is when another friend piped up with “yeah right all you do is blog about how much you wish you weren’t single.” Yikes. I didn’t mean that message to come across at all, on the contrary I am SO HAPPY to be single and here is why:

  • I get to decide my life. If I want to go to a party on Friday, I go. If I want to move to New York in a year, I go. If I want to take a day where I sit around in my underwear and cut off all social ties, I do. And I don’t have to worry about anyone holding me down or pressuring me to do otherwise. I call the shots. (And I love that.)
  • I can talk to who ever I want, whenever I want. I can accept free drinks. Dance with whomever. No jealous games. Never worrying of how it may look. I’m free.
  • I don’t have to get up every morning and dress for anyone but myself. If I feel like being scurvy that day, then I am. I feel like sexin’ it up, then I do. Whatever the mood strikes I can take advantage of it and all I have to do is worry about how I think I look that day.
  • I don’t have to stress out about a partner. Is he being faithful to me when I’m not around? Do I love him more then he loves me? Will he dump me if I have an off day? Blah blah blah.
  • I’m not settling. I have not met my Mr. Right yet. So why would I waste my time with Mr. Wrong. I know what I want. Ok so I haven’t found him yet, I’m not going to boo-who about it just yet, and instead I’m going to live it up.

All the single ladies…you shoulda put a ring on itPut your hands up.

Why do you like being single?


Together alone on Vday February 12, 2010

Filed under: single,Uncategorized — jamitoocooltoendine @ 7:54 pm
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So this weekend is Valentines Day, and I will be alone. Always alone on this day. Sounds depressing, but really I’m okay with it. And I think that is because I am surrounded by so many that I love, and who love me back, that affections from a lover just aren’t needed. Heck yes, it would be nice. But being single, and being surrounded by my beautiful caring single girlfriends, I still am overcame with the sense of love. Although we are all alone, we are all alone together. And isn’t that what this day is about, celebrating love with those around you? So for now that is good enough for me.

But ladies (and you too gentlemen if you’re reading) I want to share this love story with you.

It’s a Tom’s shoes love story. If you don’t know about Toms shoes, and you should, check out their site here ( This love story is about a couple that met because she noticed his shoes, complimented them, and BOOM they are getting married now. They are just so cute. Stories like this give me hope. This is real life, and love does just sneak up on you. It’s not like in the movies where unrealistic things happen that tie two characters together and we see where it is going from the start. No, sometimes all it takes is some shoes.

Sara and Jordan<3

READ the whole story here:

So message to everyone (myself included). Stop looking for it! Love will find it’s way to all of us. I know days such as Vday makes you want it more then ever, but know cupid will get you. Take Sara and Jordan unplanned love story for example. That could be you, that could be me! So appreciate the love ones in your life at this moment, and take pleasure knowing your happily-ever after could come any day, maybe even tomorrow.

Someday You Will Be Loved- Death Cab for Cutie


Accents and better in bed! What are American men good for? February 8, 2010

Filed under: single,Uncategorized — jamitoocooltoendine @ 4:42 am
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Note: Song for this blog is in a video at the end of the blog. Enjoy 😀

I am one of those girls, where I expect the men to make all the first moves. I can’t do it. The introductory greeting, calling..even texting, I am to chicken shit to make the first move. Rejection is my biggest fear. However when I studied a semester in New Zealand, I was the complete opposite. I went from being the girl who never had any guys numbers in her phone, to having her phonebook completely full. Needless to say, I had a lot of fun abroad. Maybe it was the Kiwi accent that helped me overcome my insecurities. Every girl loves accents right? And according to a BBC survey, the New Zealand accent is one of most charming and prestigious English accents outside of Britain. Could be why I found it absolutely adorable (and miss it oh-so-much). But aren’t accents just one of those things that will cause that immediate attraction? Girls, even guys- can agree with me on this.

Well according to a new study, there may be more to it then just charming accents that have American women chasing after men of different cultures. Global research shows that American men rank 5th as the worst lovers in the world. Ouch! Kiwi men on the other hand were voted 8th for best lovers in the world.


1. Germany (too smelly)

2. England (too lazy)

3. Sweden (too quick)

4. Holland (too dominating)

5. America (too rough)

6. Greece (too lovey-dovey)

7. Wales (too selfish)

8. Scotland (too loud)

9. Turkey (too sweaty)

10. Russia (too hairy)


  1. Spain
  2. Brazil
  3. Italy
  4. France
  5. Ireland
  6. South Africa
  7. Australia
  8. New Zealand
  9. Denmark

10.  Canada

Has anyone else been abroad and had similar experiences as me (been more attracted to un-American men, and found them easier to flirt with)? Any girls been to Spain? Do others find accuracy in this survey? I mean even Canada beats America out, CANADA! Having not been to many of these countries I would not be an expert to comment, but I do know one thing:

Search for New Zealand husband is back on. Sorry Americans. Bret and Jermaine, My heart is yours!

not only at kiwis good in bed, cute, musical, but damn humorous as well!

Check out kiwi group, Flight of the Conchords, Bret and Jermaine’s( Business Time FOTC )video and find out why I love NZers so much.

Facts from this blog came from: and