Perfectly Lonely

Cause I don't belong to anyone, nobody belongs to me. A simple kind of free

It’s been awhile… August 16, 2011

Filed under: Uncategorized — jamitoocooltoendine @ 3:18 pm

I haven’t posted in a while, and well that’s because I am no longer battling the trenches of being single. Yep, as soon as I gave up desperately searching, right when I was completely happy with myself and my single-hood, a wonderful man found me. (Finally).

It’s been almost a year and a half and things have been great. So, ladies (…and gentlemen) always keep your heads up. Find yourself, live your life, and right when you least expect it…. destiny will find you. Look at me. I’m living proof.

This blog will always be a gem for me. It was a huge maturing tool in an evolving phase of my life. I will continue to look over it in fondness. But this chapter none the less has ended for me. However I’m not hanging up my keyboard just yet… I have started yet another blog ( all about the latest subjects of life — job searches, my relationship, and trying to make all the pieces of my life fit together. And finding out it’s not as easy as it seems. It’s going to be another bumpy ride.
I just want to thank all my subscribers for being such devoted readers. I hope you continue on with me in my next journey. But, if not, remember to always keep your hearts open.

(No longer) Perfectly Lonely,



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