Perfectly Lonely

Cause I don't belong to anyone, nobody belongs to me. A simple kind of free

Top five reason why its great to be single May 5, 2010

The joys of being single

I was talking to some friends the other night, and one of my girlfriends said she had finally realized the joys of being single, in which I replied this is what I’ve been trying to tell you guys all along. This is when another friend piped up with “yeah right all you do is blog about how much you wish you weren’t single.” Yikes. I didn’t mean that message to come across at all, on the contrary I am SO HAPPY to be single and here is why:

  • I get to decide my life. If I want to go to a party on Friday, I go. If I want to move to New York in a year, I go. If I want to take a day where I sit around in my underwear and cut off all social ties, I do. And I don’t have to worry about anyone holding me down or pressuring me to do otherwise. I call the shots. (And I love that.)
  • I can talk to who ever I want, whenever I want. I can accept free drinks. Dance with whomever. No jealous games. Never worrying of how it may look. I’m free.
  • I don’t have to get up every morning and dress for anyone but myself. If I feel like being scurvy that day, then I am. I feel like sexin’ it up, then I do. Whatever the mood strikes I can take advantage of it and all I have to do is worry about how I think I look that day.
  • I don’t have to stress out about a partner. Is he being faithful to me when I’m not around? Do I love him more then he loves me? Will he dump me if I have an off day? Blah blah blah.
  • I’m not settling. I have not met my Mr. Right yet. So why would I waste my time with Mr. Wrong. I know what I want. Ok so I haven’t found him yet, I’m not going to boo-who about it just yet, and instead I’m going to live it up.

All the single ladies…you shoulda put a ring on itPut your hands up.

Why do you like being single?


4 Responses to “Top five reason why its great to be single”

  1. Abby Says:

    As a single lady… I LOVE doin’ my own thing! As you said, I don’t have to plan around someone else, I do what I want when I want to. Without a man, I can go on casual dates and find out more what I do and do not want in a guy. I can keep my identity without it being lost in the “us”. I’m proud to say that I don’t need a man to complete me and unfortunately, I know too many girls that do. I love this blog Jami! I don’t want to be a pitiful single girl either. Let’s just LIVE right now and the love will come later. 🙂

  2. Kari Says:

    I looooove being single because I don’t have to TEXT someone constantly, CHECK in with someone constantly, or feel obliged to talk on the phone. Being in a relationship is such a huge time commitment and at a time in my life where I spend 15 hours in class, 20 hours at work, and about 30 hours doing homework a week, I’m happy to take that extra “me” time!

  3. Krista Reha Says:

    Wellllll, you kinda make me wanna be single again…..jeesh! 😉
    I hope Ashley doesn’t read this, I really really want to go to Cancun in January!! haha!!

    You have a great way of looking at life Jami! I’m proud of you and your accomplishments, and that you are YOU!

  4. ur baby sister who loves u very much Says:

    as we all know i had my heartbroken by a complete douchebag. i trusted him completely and thought that our relationship was perfect! obviously i was wrong he cheated on me way too many times to count he lied to me constantly but the one thing that hurts the most is that he made me stop hanging out with my friends and family the people that love me the most!! and i thought this was all okay because i loved him when we broke up i was a mess!! i thought i had no one in my life i pushed the people i loved the most away and for what a boy that i fought with all the time that i would instantly get mad whenever he called! but the thing i realized is that no matter what my friends and family were always there for me even after i pushed them away they were there for me when i hit rock bottom and now i enjoy being single cuz it means i can hang out with the people that i love the most and nothing has to get in the way of that everyone has flaws they is no doubt in my mind that not everyone would cheat if the right person came along not saying that everyone cheats in relationships i just havnt found the right person to change my mind about it so as of right now im not gonna worry about chasing after boys or even going out to hook up with boys to me its not worth the trouble when that right person comes along ill know it so for now im just going to enjoy the time i can spend with my friends and family and love every minute of it!!

    i love you jami and i always will!!! you’re an amazing friend and sister i look up to u in so many ways u dont need anyone less then what u deserve and what u deserve is something amazing so dont give up dont settle that perfect man is out there u just havnt met him yet! ❤

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