Perfectly Lonely

Cause I don't belong to anyone, nobody belongs to me. A simple kind of free

Plan B February 11, 2010

Filed under: settling,Uncategorized — jamitoocooltoendine @ 12:01 am
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Singles make “back up” plans out of fear.

She Says- Howie Day

Singles everywhere, share one fear. Being alone forever. It is this exact fear that has some singles turning to close friends of the opposite sex “If both of us aren’t married by the time we turn 40, let’s marry each other.  It’s called the back up plan. Twenty-somethings took to this notion after the popular movie My Best Friends Wedding, and television show Friends characters came up with their own “back up” deals. But is it really such a bad idea?

A year or so ago a friend and I jokingly made a similar agreement, as we watched most of our friends around us enter into serious relationships.  Do I think we will get married? I sure hope not, (no offense Stefani). But it’s nice to have. Kinda like flood insurance, you pray to God you never have to use it, but you don’t want to wake up one day regretting not having it. I think a man named James says it best in an interview with the New Yorker when he says “As far as I see it, a backup takes away some of the worry. If you’re not scared of being alone, then you won’t go rushing into something simply to avoid that situation. I think maybe it’s like religion: If you believe in heaven, then you are no longer scared of death. It’s a safety net for life.”

Watch this video clip on “Back Ups”:

I’m curious as to what guys think about the whole situation? I know that guys are more prone to date around and worry about settling down until later on in life. Do guys actually like having back up plans or is it just something that you all agree too so your good girl friend shuts up and stops worrying so much about her future?  Some say that at the base of good marriages are great friendships. But could a friendship and a back up plan really make a beneficial marriage? What do you guys think?

Information for this blog came from:


14 Responses to “Plan B”

  1. Jena Bowen Says:

    that was really good sweetie 🙂

  2. karkar Says:

    Haha, I have a backup. Don’t judge me.

  3. Ocho Says:

    My backup plan is to become a legend, such as the great philosophers of years past.

    Nothing would be better than to think one day all of my journals and scrawling could sway someones perspective in life.

  4. stacy Says:

    I feel back up plan are over rated just go for the fun of it and make a good marriage. I think good marriages are made by Communication and understanding.

  5. Drew Says:

    I made a back-up plan with a good friend, but luckily I don’t have to use it. Makes me wonder if we would have actually done it if it would’ve come to that point (our deal was 32 and not married).. would we have really done it? I feel as though most times people do these as jokes.. but I really get your point, the safety net is nice. It’s like insurance for loneliness!

  6. Drew Says:

    and p.s. when I saw that this blog was entitled Plan B I thought it was about something else….

  7. Earles Says:

    Back up plans are cool in a sense but I don’t think anyone takes them seriously. Most of the guys I know want to settle down at some point. And some prolly obsess about it just as much as their lady friends. On the friendship thing. I would like my future wife to be a friend, I think that would be my ideal situation. But if you and a friend made a back up arrangement I don’t think that would make a good marriage. If you guys really wanted to be married to each other you wouldn’t be Plan B.

    • Earles, I am sorry to say that I am happy to hear that guys stress out about it as much as girls do!

      I extremely loved your when you said, “if you guys really wanted to be married to each other you wouldn’t be plan b”

      you are absolutely right. I think always knowing that you are someones plan b would be heartbreaking everyday- couldn’t do it.

  8. This is hilarious. I watched the “Friends” clip and it made me laugh. I don’t think I could ever use a “plan B” but I love the idea of it.

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