Perfectly Lonely

Cause I don't belong to anyone, nobody belongs to me. A simple kind of free

Accents and better in bed! What are American men good for? February 8, 2010

Filed under: single,Uncategorized — jamitoocooltoendine @ 4:42 am
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Note: Song for this blog is in a video at the end of the blog. Enjoy 😀

I am one of those girls, where I expect the men to make all the first moves. I can’t do it. The introductory greeting, calling..even texting, I am to chicken shit to make the first move. Rejection is my biggest fear. However when I studied a semester in New Zealand, I was the complete opposite. I went from being the girl who never had any guys numbers in her phone, to having her phonebook completely full. Needless to say, I had a lot of fun abroad. Maybe it was the Kiwi accent that helped me overcome my insecurities. Every girl loves accents right? And according to a BBC survey, the New Zealand accent is one of most charming and prestigious English accents outside of Britain. Could be why I found it absolutely adorable (and miss it oh-so-much). But aren’t accents just one of those things that will cause that immediate attraction? Girls, even guys- can agree with me on this.

Well according to a new study, there may be more to it then just charming accents that have American women chasing after men of different cultures. Global research shows that American men rank 5th as the worst lovers in the world. Ouch! Kiwi men on the other hand were voted 8th for best lovers in the world.


1. Germany (too smelly)

2. England (too lazy)

3. Sweden (too quick)

4. Holland (too dominating)

5. America (too rough)

6. Greece (too lovey-dovey)

7. Wales (too selfish)

8. Scotland (too loud)

9. Turkey (too sweaty)

10. Russia (too hairy)


  1. Spain
  2. Brazil
  3. Italy
  4. France
  5. Ireland
  6. South Africa
  7. Australia
  8. New Zealand
  9. Denmark

10.  Canada

Has anyone else been abroad and had similar experiences as me (been more attracted to un-American men, and found them easier to flirt with)? Any girls been to Spain? Do others find accuracy in this survey? I mean even Canada beats America out, CANADA! Having not been to many of these countries I would not be an expert to comment, but I do know one thing:

Search for New Zealand husband is back on. Sorry Americans. Bret and Jermaine, My heart is yours!

not only at kiwis good in bed, cute, musical, but damn humorous as well!

Check out kiwi group, Flight of the Conchords, Bret and Jermaine’s( Business Time FOTC )video and find out why I love NZers so much.

Facts from this blog came from: and


13 Responses to “Accents and better in bed! What are American men good for?”

  1. Afton Says:

    I love flight of the concords.

    …oddly enough so does my grandmother.
    Dont judge. Haha

  2. Karkar Says:

    I HAVE studied abroad in Spain for a good 6 months and experienced no interest from Spanish men. I think they only like blonde or red headed girls from America. Plus, most where I lived had either mullets or rattails. I was not down for that.

    Another hinderance in my attempts to meet a lovely Spanish guy came from the women of Spain. Spanish women absolutely hated us American girls and I think it was simply because they thought we were trying to steal the Spanish men and encouraged them not to talk to us.

    AND the language barrier was another problem. Even if we wanted to talk to a guy in a bar, it was always so loud and we couldn’t hear what they were saying, much less come up with a response in SPANISH.

    However, one of my close friends studied in a bigger city in Spain and found a very attractive (sans mullet, or rattail) Spanish man that she has now been in a relationship with for over a year. I find myself being extremely jealous of that relationship… (Plus she says he is a good lover…. 😉 )

    So good for you for finding Kiwi men! I wish I could have done the same…

    • Yeah, when I went abroad I had this notion that I would find a great guy, fall in love and have cute kiwi children lol. That did not happen. There were still jackholes over there just like there are here. I agree there must be some appeal to American women, cuz I never had as much luck with the fellas as I did abroad.
      That is too bad that spanish women were so cruel! Girls can be so jealous!

      I don’t think Ill ever really find a kiwi mate but it is a nice fantasy that I will like to hold on too. Especially when American boys can be such a miss with me.

  3. showlove Says:

    Bret and Jermaine are my heros. I can never settle on who I adore the most.
    On another note, I have spent some time in Turkey and did not notice Turkish men being particularly sweaty at all.

    I think being anywhere abroad gives you the freedom of being whoever you want to be, perhaps this is why you exercised more audacity when it came to boys and the like..?

  4. agear Says:

    1) Never have I felt so inferior about not quite taking full advantage of my study abroad experience. Ha.
    Gotta say though, the Italian guys were not so charming. Maybe it was because I was in a bigger city and they loved to tease American girls with extremely vulgar attempts at pick-up lines. (Especially blondes.)
    “Ciao bionda (Hi blondie), you like to ****?” No. Really, really no.

    2) Since you’ve been back Jami, have you gone all the way back to the way you were with guys before?

    3) Bret & Jemaine are mine, just so you know. 😉
    (And Afton, don’t be embarrassed — my mom LOVES business time.)

    • Alysee-
      1) Okay, so I think we can conclude that all foreign men love American girls! AND especially the blond ones!!! Okay so they were a little more vulgar compared to American guys- but were they at least attractive? Was their accents to die for or eh not so much?

      2) I have totally gone back to the way I was before. I don’t know if I was just more drawn to kiwi guys and that let me forget about my insecurities or was it just because I knew that I was an American that would be leaving in a matter of months and the embarrassment of rejection just didn’t seem to matter to me as much. Or if kiwis just lovin’ jami more then american boys do LOL i do not know.

      3) I am so glad that others know who bret and jermaine are! I was so afraid id post this and no one would know who they were haha. I loved them before I went abroad but love them even more now after understanding what the culture is like. I can’t get my sister or mom to watch them thou- they think they are dumb. They have no sense of humor i concluded.

  5. Bret and Jermaine=amazing. Don’t tell my boyfriend, but I would totally leave him for either of them if they asked me to. haha!

  6. thegeekswereright Says:

    I love Flight of the Conchords. And accents. Mmm.

  7. Clara Haneberg Says:

    I feel like I need to book a couple flights to other countries and meet some real lovers. This post was really interesting considering I just wrote a profile over the differences between Drake and New Zealand. I feel like the demeanor change in the male species may also be one of the “shocks” to your system. Good information!

    • kiwi men are nice polite and friendly we are fun and outgoing good to chat with to get to know well. We are gentlemen we always let the ladies go first we open the door for them we show them to there seats yes we are romantic. First of all how old are you what are your interests sports and hobbles what are you studying at university

  8. So, yes, I have studied abroad in Spain, but no, I did not find the same results as the survey found. Although I am a strawberry blonde (blonde AND red hair?!) and would get hollered at on the street, that was the extent of my spanish man love. I think the language barrier was one of the main problems and in other countries, such as New Zealand, I would find much more success. Maybe I should study up on my Spanish, become fluent and fly back, immediately.

  9. Abby Grover Says:

    American boys pale in comparison to those Brits… I want to go to Australia and NZ to see what they’re like. I feel like they’d be more rugged than those propper British cuties. Then again, that could be my stereotypical perception, too.

    So, let’s backpack Europe and enjoy the foreign boys before we have to get real jobs. Sound good, love?

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